There was a storm brewing. And it was messing up fishing across the state of Hawaii. This was bad.
It's not so much that I mind fishing in lousy conditions hoping to hook a cruising bonefish, but when it messes up a day when I've invited a guest to fish with me it's pretty disappointing.
BobW contacted me through the website and indicated he was going to be in the islands on business and asked a few questions about where to go and what to use where to use it as he attempted to chase bonefish before and after work. I sent him the information but since I was going to be in the islands I also invited him out to fish with SteveL and I for a few hours. Unfortunately that also happened to be when a downgraded hurricane was passing by the islands, blowing up strong gusts and generally messing up fishing everywhere.
However Bob was game for anything so I took him to a spot where SteveL said the bones had been active for the past few weeks. Bob cast and cast and cast. He made long casts and short casts. We switched flies and shortened then lengthened leaders. After several hours of casting and NO FISH we called it a day since I had to head home to be on time for a family function (or else).

It was just one of those days when the fishing gods like to toy with mortals just to make sure they keep both feet firmly planted on the earth and don't start to take frequent hookups with fast bonefish for granted. But they could have shown a little mercy and at least given us one nibble.
EQUIPMENT: We used 8 and 9-weight rods rigged with floating lines and short leaders five to seven-feet long with 20 and 25-pound fluorocarbon tippets.